February 13, 2013 ALL

Today: College of Arts & Sciences major declaration workshop

The Assistant Deans Office in the College of Arts & Sciences will hold its major declaration workshop on Wednesday, Feb. 13, from 2-3:15 p.m. in the Jardine Room of the Lombardo Student Center.

This workshop is designed to walk students through the declaration process as well as answer any questions about declaring a major, minor, or concentration.

All sophomores with at least 45 credit hours must declare a major in the spring semester of their sophomore year. The deadline for declaring a major in the College of Arts & Sciences is March 8. A declaration hold will be placed on all sophomores eligible to declare but are not declared by the March 8 deadline. This hold will prevent students from registering during priority registration for summer and fall semesters.

For more information, or to R.S.V.P. for the workshop, email Dr. Campbell at dtcampbell@jcu.edu.

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