April 3, 2013 ALL

Today: Project Brainwash: Why Reality TV is Bad for Women (…and everyone else!)

Wednesday, April 3, 2012
4 p.m.
LSC Conference Room, D.J. Lombardo Student Center

In her eye-opening lecture — “Project Brainwash: Why Reality TV is Bad for Women (…and Men, People of Color, The Economy, Love, Sex and Sheer Common Sense!)” — Jennifer L. Pozner (journalist) reveals who is creating this pop cultural backlash against women’s rights and social progress, who is profiting from it, and why. Pozner takes a fierce, funny, and in-depth look at how reality TV affects our beliefs, our behavior, and our culture.

Project Brainwash gives you the tools to understand and challenge stereotypes and become active, critical media consumers. You’ll never see dating, modeling, makeover and lifestyle shows the same way again — and you’ll laugh, a lot!

The Dr. Shirley S. Seaton Cultural Awareness Series is an invitation to an exploration of cultural differences and cultural issues of concern. All events aim to illuminate various cultural perspectives and deepen understandings of ways in which we are all diverse yet interconnected.

All events open to the public.

For more information: