April 10, 2013 ALL

Today: “Who Is Watching Us Online and Should They Stop?”

April 10, 2013
7 p.m.
Donahue Auditorium in the Dolan Science Center

Kirsten Martin, Ph.D., will have a presentation on “Who Is Watching Us Online and Should They Stop?” during the Celebration of Scholarship. Questions about privacy online focus on individuals and their choice to go online and message friends, look for a mortgage rate, research a family member’s disease, or browse for dog toys. Dr. Martin wishes to focus on the responsibilities of the unseen tracking companies (trackers) watching us online when they decide to enter our online community.

The goal of this presentation is to identify the different roles and responsibilities of the many actors online within the current network of surveillance and tracking. She suggest tracking companies play three possible roles – as a member of a supply chain of information traders, within a network of surveillance online, and as an arm of law enforcement. Dr. Martin will illustrate how different trackers fall into these three different roles online.