July 12, 2013 ALL

Today: High-end production color is coming to the Copy Center

The leases on the existing Copy Center equipment have ended. New high-end color capabilities will be on campus this fall. The University community should expect to see a vast improvement in color output and capabilities that this new equipment will afford.

In preparation for this transition, the Copy Center will be close on Friday, July 12, and Monday, July 15, during which the old equipment will be removed and the new equipment installed and calibrated. Limited services should be available by Tuesday, July 16, or Wednesday, July 17. The Copy Center has also made arrangements with one of our off-site vendors to handle any “urgent jobs” that may come in during this period of reduced services.

There will also be another two-three day period in the upcoming weeks following this migration where the Copy Center will again be shut down for some advanced training on the new equipment. However, jobs may be dropped off at the Mail Center window for process on-site or off-site.

Stay tuned for more information on added services, price reductions (especially on color), and our Fall Open House!