October 14, 2013 ALL

Today: BI 107-108-109 Testout

The BI test out will be given from Monday, Oct. 14, until Friday, Oct. 25, at midnight. The cost is $15 payable via credit or debit card only.

This test-out helps you decide which basic computer classes you need to take. Passing a section waives the BI 100 level pre-requisite for any course in the Boler School of Business. However, you do not receive course credit. For example, if you pass the Excel Test, you would be waived for classes requiring BI 107 as a pre-requisite.

The exam is administered online. You may take it anytime during Oct. 14-25 but must be finished by midnight on Oct. 25. Also, please note that you must use a PC when taking the test-out.

Please see Ann Buda in SB 210 of the Boler School of Business to sign up and receive your instructions. If you have any questions, please contact Ann at 216.397.4386 or abuda@jcu.edu.