January 30, 2014 ALL

Today: Cleveland Museum of Art presents “Art-to-Go” at JCU!

In celebration of the 2014 Lunar New Year, the Cleveland Museum of Art will present “Art-to-Go” Consumption and Exploration: Trade Connections between Europe and Asia, on Thursday, Jan. 30, in the Mackin Room in the Grasselli Library. See and touch amazing works of art up to 4,000 years old when museum staff and trained volunteers visit with genuine art objects from the museum’s collection.

The interactive session offers a unique hands-on experience, engaging learners of all ages in exciting exploration and lively discussion about diverse cultures, time periods, materials, and techniques. Two back-to-back presentations will be offered, noon-12:50 p.m. and 1-1:50 p.m.

Space is limited. Please R.S.V.P. with your preferred session time to Ellen Valentine, evalentine@jcu.edu or 216.397.6647.

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