April 4, 2014 ALL

Today: Race, Food and Justice Conference

The Race, Food and Justice Conference is an opportunity to examine the urban food movement through a social justice lens. It will take place Friday, April 4, and Saturday, April 5, at Case Western Reserve University and University Circle United Methodist Church.

The Race, Food and Justice Conference this year includes discussion groups, increased time for Q&A, and more time to network with our speakers. Malik Yakini from Detroit Black Community Food Security Network (DBCFSN) and Misitinguette Smith from The Black Land Project are guest facilitators, and Jonathan Ferrer from United Puerto Rican Organization of Sunset Park (UPROSE), an award-winning youth organizer from Brooklyn, New York, has been added to the roster. More information and conference schedule can be found here: http://case.edu/socialjustice/events/upcomingEvents.html

The Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion has nine tickets for students interested in attending. First come, first serve. Tickets will be available starting Monday, March 31.

To register on your own visit www.brownpapertickets.com and enter search for “Race, Food, and Justice Conference.”

You can contact Mr. Salomon Rodezno if you have questions at 216.397.1583.

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