November 20, 2014 ALL

Today: Make Your First Degree with the Knights of Columbus!

Calling all Catholic gentleman! John Carroll University Council is proud to announce that we will be hosting an honorary First Degree of Initiation into the Knights of Columbus on Thursday, November 20, at 6:30 p.m. in Rodman A. This degree will serve as entrance into the Knights of Columbus, as well as into our recently reactivated and rejuvenated council! We will be holding this Degree in honor of Rev. Bernie McAniff, S.J., who is the current assistant dean of students as well as Chaplain of the Knights at JCU and the entire campus community.

The Knights of Columbus is a 132-year-old fraternal benefits society founded on the core values of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. All of which are reflected in our degree ceremonies. The Knights is by far the largest Catholic men’s organization to have existed and continues to grow every day but not with out the interest of young men who live the Catholic faith. We hope to have you join as a fellow Brother Knight!

To R.S.V.P., or for further information, please contact Christian Cronauer at

God bless!