April 20, 2015 FAC/STAFF

Today: Humanities Forum – Hometactics

Our final Humanities Forum of the year will be held Monday, April 20 at 3:30 p.m. in the CAS Dean’s conference room. It will feature the inimitable Mariana Ortega. We will be discussing a fascinating chapter from her new book, Living Alterities. Entitled “Hometactics: Self-Mapping, Belonging, and the Home Question,” she describes her aim thus: “I have to make a confession: this is an exercise of self-mapping, an attempt to deal with a certain nostalgia, a painful fixation on loss and a desire to return to a place called home. . . . This essay is my way of writing my way home by leaving it, by stripping it away of its magic and its strong conjuration.” What a wonderful invitation to conversation! I hope you can join us.

Here is a link to her chapter: http://webmedia.jcu.edu/cas/files/2015/04/Ortega-Mariana-Hometactics.pdf