April 30, 2015 ALL

Take This Survey on JCU LGBTQ Topics and Enter to Win Free Chipotle

Dr. Tracy Masterson (Associate Professor of Psychology) and Mr. Taylor Hartman (JCU, senior) are conducting a survey investigating the perception of bias and discrimination of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer) faculty, staff, and students at John Carroll University. This study is being performed as a means to gauge experiences at the university pertaining to these issues. This study hopes to create a better understanding of LGBTQ experiences at JCU in efforts to improve campus inclusivity, programming, and faculty and staff training. You have been selected as a participant because you are a valued member of the John Carroll University.

If you agree to take part in the survey, you will be asked to answer a series of questions pertaining to your perceptions of bias and discrimination from your direct and indirect experiences at JCU. The research gathered from this study will be used to make similarities and distinctions on perceived bias and discrimination from other national Jesuit universities. Furthermore, the responses that you submit will be sent to Fordham University to become part of a larger database on these issues. Your responses will not be linked in any way to identifiable information and will remain anonymous for presentation and publication purposes. Please be aware that there are risks to participating in internet-based research with regard to potential breaches of privacy or anonymity. Please be sure to close your Internet browser once you have finished the survey to protect your privacy.

The survey is expected to take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Upon completion of the survey, you will be eligible for a random drawing for one of five $10 gift cards to Chipotle. In order to qualify, you must enter your email via a Wufoo link provided at the end of the survey. You will be informed via e-mail by the end of spring 2015 semester if you have been selected. Your participation is voluntary. There is no penalty if you choose not to participate and you are free to withdraw at any time.

If you are interested in participating in the survey, please utilize the following link:


If you have questions or concerns you may contact Dr. Masterson at tmasterson@jcu.edu. If you have questions about the rights and welfare of research participants please contact the John Carroll University Institutional Review Board Administrator at 216.397.1527.

Thank you for your consideration.