May 1, 2015 ALL

MailCenter/CopyCenter Hours During Finals Week

Hi all…. really hard to believe that we are the end of another school year…. yikes!!

The MailCenter will have one MORNING mail pickup and delivery during Finals week and for the upcoming Summer hours. If you need to put something in the mail after that, please bring down to the MailCenter by 2:00 so we will have time to process and take it to the post office.

The CopyCenter will be open normal hours: 7:30 am to 5:00 pm , closed at lunch 12:00-1:00pm.

Thank you for your continued cooperation…. any problems please call Carrie at #3039.

If we don’t see you…… have a wonderful sunny, warm, relaxing and fun Summer.

The MailCenter Staff &
The CopyCats