January 25, 2016 ALL

Fall 2015 Grades to be Finalized

Fall 2015 grades will be finalized on Friday, January 29, at midnight. At this time, I (incomplete), X (absent from final exam), and MG (missing grade) grades convert to F (failure). To prevent these grades from becoming F’s, the Registrar’s Office must receive a grade change form with the new grade or an extension by the end of the day on Thursday, January 28.

If an I grade is being extended, the Registrar’s Office must receive a grade change form for each student who is to receive an extension of time with the date on which the extension will expire on the form. The extension date is the date when the incomplete will be converted to an F, not the date that the work should be completed by the student.

Completed grade change forms should be submitted to the dean’s office by the instructor for approval and the dean will forward a copy to the Registrar’s Office for processing.

If an I grade is being extended, the Registrar’s Office must receive a grade change form for each student who is to receive an extension of time with the date on which the extension will expire on the form. The extension date is the date when the incomplete will be converted to an F, not the date that the work should be completed by the student.

Completed grade change forms should be submitted to the dean’s office by the instructor for approval and the dean will forward a copy to the Registrar’s Office for processing.

Please do not contact the registrar about a grade. All questions about the grade should be directed to the instructor. If you have questions about this procedure, please contact Michelle Walker in the Office of the Registrar 216.397.1659.

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