February 4, 2016 ALL

Lunar New Year Celebration

It’s the Year of the Monkey! Celebrate Lunar New Year at JCU on February 8-11.

Monday, February 8
Poetry Recital
11:30 a.m. – LSC Atrium


The Annual Lion Dance (begins at the Atrium and ends at the Dining Hall)
Noon – LSC Atrium
Note: Dining Hall Lunch that day is just $5 for Faculty and Staff

Tuesday, February 9
Name Writing – Calligraphy
Various countries will be represented
Noon – LSC Atrium

Thursday, February 11
Program: Asian American Catholics: Diversity within Diversity with Dr. Jonathan Tan, Hallinan Professor of Catholic Studies, Case Western Reserve University
7:30 p.m. – LSC Conference Room, D.J. Lombardo Student Center

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