May 2, 2016 ALL

Today: The “Now What?” Workshop

CSSA has designed a new workshop for students finishing a semester or year of service, justice, and advocacy work, to help move students from experience to action. The workshop answers the question – “now what?” – and is open to students who were involved in such work this year, including immersion experiences, service-learning, service organizations, and more.

The “Now What?” Workshop will help deepen your capacity to reflect on and integrate what you have learned and experienced over the past semester or year. The workshop will give you practical tools and supports to examine and discern the next steps you will take personally, practically, and academically.

The “Now What?” Workshop takes place:
Date: Monday, May 2
Time: 5-6:30 p.m.
Place: LSC Conference Room – sandwiches and salad will be served.

To RSVP please simply click on the following link:

Events Today