July 12, 2016 ALL

Today: Normal People Scare Me Too

Tuesday, July 12, 6:30 p.m.
Dolan Auditorium, Dolan Science Center

Free screening of the movie/documentary, Normal People Scare Me Too, including the local music and vocals of Alex Hale, followed by Q&A with Tracy Masterson, Ph.D., co-author of Parties, Dorms and Social Norms, a guide-book for young people on the Autism spectrum. Normal People Scare Me Too is a sequel to the 2006 documentary produced by Joey Travolta, older brother of actor John Travolta.

Created with a film crew comprised of 75% autistics from Joey Travolta’s Inclusion Films, with music, art and animation created and performed by 65% autistic musicians, composers/artists, Normal People Scare Me Too was inspired by the past and driven to the future in autism.

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