September 12, 2016 FAC/STAFF

New Parking Plan for the JCU Campus

Over the summer the JCU Police Department and Parking Office made changes to the parking lots around the JCU Campus.

We would appreciate you reviewing the attached map to note the changes.

Some of the major changes made are as follows:

1) The Belvoir Lot has three rows – closest to S. Belvoir Blvd – are now spaces for JCU students only. The remainder of the lot is for Faculty, Staff and Visitors at all times.
2) Please remember that the FEV / LEV and Car Pool spaces are reserved spaces. Employees have applied and received stickers allowing them to park in those spaces.
3) On Auxiliary Drive, in the O’Malley F/S lot, there are 5 spaces Reserved At All Times for CSSA vans.
4) Parking in the wrong area may result in a violation being issued.

Please contact our office with any questions or concerns.

Thank you.

The JCU Police Department and Parking Office

Click here to view the full campus parking map.