October 24, 2016 STU

Register Today for Through the Eyes of a Child

“Through the Eyes of a Child” is an annual event sponsored by the Students for Social Justice and Beta Theta Pi in which 100 Cleveland children visit JCU’s campus for a few hours of holiday fun and activities. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, December 3, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and activities will include a visit with Santa, arts and crafts, time in the gym, and lunch in the cafeteria. This year, we will welcome children from St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Francis Elementary schools in Cleveland. This is a great event for anyone who is looking for a fun and rewarding service project for the holiday season.

Buddies are paired with a child, and are asked to spend up to $20 to purchase and wrap a gift for their “little buddy.” On the day of the event, Buddies will share lunch and participate in the various games and activities, visit Santa, and then give the child their gift.

Please note that if you commit to being a buddy, you are expected to stay the duration of the event until 2:30 p.m. If you are only able to come for a portion of that time, please consider being an event volunteer instead.

To register to be a buddy, please sign up here.

Any questions can be directed to Hannah Bettinger at hbettinger17@jcu.edu.

Events Today