March 31, 2017 ALL

Today: Important: Biology BL230 and Lab Human A& P Requires Chair Permission

If you plan to take BL 230/L Human Anatomy & Physiology during fall 2017, please be aware that enrolling requires chair permission. This course is a pre-req for many allied health professional programs (DDS, PA, PT, AA, nursing, optometry, etc.). It is not intended for pre-medical students. Preference will be given to 2018 graduates.
You must contact Department Chair, Rebecca Drenovsky, Ph.D., ( by Friday, March 31. If you do not e-mail this information by the deadline, you are unlikely to receive a seat in the course. In your e-mail, please include the following information:

  • When do you plan on graduating?
  • Will you study abroad before graduating? If yes, then what semester?
  • What is your Banner ID?
  • Do you have a preference for Tuesday or Thursday morning lab?
  • What is your intended career?

Please note that the presence of students who only intend to go to medical school will shut out other students who require this course as a pre-req for an allied health professional program.