June 2, 2017 ALL

Ceiling Demolition Work in Bruening Hall

The lower level corridor connecting Bruening Hall, Boler School of Business, and the Administration Building will be closed starting Monday, June 5, through Thursday, June 8, to allow for the demolition of the existing ceiling that is being damaged by a leak above in Dauby Plaza. Access through this corridor will need to re-route from the lower level to the upper 1st floor using Stair “B” elevator/stair access from the Boler parking lot for access to BR 1 through BR36 or stairway “A” off of Admin Drive to access BR43 through BR 59 “area below School of Business.” This ceiling will remain exposed to the structure above until the completion of the waterproofing project at Dauby Plaza, above this ceiling area; which is scheduled to begin Tuesday, July 5. Upon the completion of the waterproofing work, a new suspended ceiling will be installed completing the work in this area of the corridor.

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