November 10, 2017 FAC/STAFF

Today: Inclusive Pedagogy Workshop

The Department of Philosophy and the Shula Chair in Philosophy are pleased to invite you to a workshop on inclusive pedagogy with Professor Stephen Bloch-Schulman from Elon University.

The workshop will take place on Friday, November 10, 2017, and will feature two sessions: an interdisciplinary session from 10 AM – 12 noon, with lunch for workshop participants from 12 noon – 1 PM; and a philosophy-specific session from 2 – 4 PM.

Titles and descriptions of the individual sessions follow below. All are welcome to take part in both sessions.

Please RSVP to Teresa Keyes ( by Friday, November 3, 2017

Interdisciplinary Session:
“From Diverse Authors and Topics to Diverse Students: How Focusing on Who We Teach Changes How We Teach,” 10 AM-12 PM, lunch from 12 PM – 1 PM, Jardine Room.

When discussing diversity, there is a tendency to discuss content, to focus on which authors are included (and excluded) and what topics are discussed. While diversifying the cannon in this way may well be necessary, it is never sufficient for a truly inclusive classroom. Join us for a workshop on inclusive pedagogies, teaching strategies that start from the recognition that there are diverse learners in the classroom, and thus that students have diverse needs as learners.

Philosophy Session:
“Thinking Through Questions,” 2 PM-4 PM, Shula Conference Room, Department of Philosophy.

For philosophers, questions motivate, structure, give meaning and momentum to their work. Questions mean something very different for most students. This presentation and workshop will explore the gap between the meaning philosophers place on questions and how students approach questions so faculty can better understand how to teach students to ask more and better questions.

Stephen Bloch-Schulman, Associate Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Elon University, works at the intersection of political philosophy and the scholarship of teaching and learning. He was honorably mentioned for the American Association of Philosophy Teachers’ Lenssen Prize in 2012 and won the award in 2014 (with Ann J. Cahill). He serves on the editorial board of _Teaching and Learning Inquiry: The Journal of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning_ and was the former coordinator of the Hannah Arendt Circle.