February 1, 2018 ALL

Free Tix to “American Dreams” play 2/22/18

Join us on 2/22 at 5pm for a free showing of “American Dreams,” a play where the audience finds itself in a participatory game show where contestants compete for U.S. citizenship–and the audience decides who wins.

If you have undecided views or negative views of immigration, you are particularly welcome. Or invite a friend who might benefit from this experience! We’re working on getting a meal catered before the play, as well as transportation to and from CPT. Please contact me ASAP at pmetres@jcu.edu if you’d like to attend!

Sponsorship from the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion and the Peace, Justice, and Human Rights Program. Special thanks to Salo Rodezno and Gloria Vaquera for the collaboration!

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