February 7, 2018 STU

Today: Sophomores! Plan to graduate on time? Act now to make it happen!

Second notice – you should have received an email on this 2/1/18.

Declaring your major is an essential step for graduating on time!
Act now to ensure sufficient time for major declaration prior to spring registration.

Boler students:
>If you are planning to be a business major and are a sophomore or above, it is important to attend the Boler Admission meeting on February 7, 2018 at 2:00 in Dolan’s Donahue Auditorium. If you do not meet all of the requirements for admission to the Boler School, you should still attend this meeting.

>All others:

If you have earned 45+ credits and meet the declaration requirements for your intended major, please follow the steps at http://webmedia.jcu.edu/advising/files/2018/02/Ready-to-declare-instructions.pdf:

If you know your intended major but have not yet completed the declaration requirements (including earned credit hours), please follow the steps at http://webmedia.jcu.edu/advising/files/2018/02/working-toward-declaration.pdf.

If you are uncertain about which major you wish to pursue, please follow the steps at : http://webmedia.jcu.edu/advising/files/2018/02/How-to-Select-the-Right-Major.pdf.

So, take the steps outlined above that are appropriate for your case as soon as possible!
Please, consider the following important dates, when scheduling advising and declaration meetings.

Summer 2018
Wed. Mar 14 Summer registration begins
Fall 2018
Wed. Mar 28 Graduate & Honors registration begins
Wed. Apr 4 Senior and Veteran registration begins
Fri. Apr 6 Junior registration begins

Please, let us know if you have questions or doubts about the procedure delineated in this email.

The Office of Academic Advising