March 9, 2018 FAC/STAFF

Today: Fire alarm testing in Student Center and varsity gym: 3/9/18

Facilities will have a vendor conducting horn (audio) and strobe (visual) fire testing throughout the following buildings on Friday, March 9 from approximately 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. : D.J. Lombardo Student Center, Schott Hall, St. Francis Chapel, Student Activities Annex, Recreation Center Complex, Tony DeCarlo Center, and Johnson Natatorium. There is no need to report any such sounds or lights to the JCU PD or to Facilities during these times in these buildings. There is also no need to evacuate the building during that time. In the event of an actual fire, Facilities will make an appropriate verbal announcement over the fire alarm system. If you have any questions, please call the Facilities Helpdesk at x4314.

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