March 28, 2018 FAC/STAFF


Facilities will have a vendor conducting horn (audio) and strobe (visual) fire testing in Rodman Hall on Thursday, March 29 between approximately 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. There is no need to report any such sounds or lights to the JCU PD or to Facilities during these times. There is also no need to evacuate the building during that time. In the event of an actual fire, there will be an appropriate verbal announcement over the fire alarm system.
If anyone has a valid reason why testing during this time frame would present a material difficulty to conducting their day-to-day business, please inform the Facilities Department by calling x4314 as soon as possible in order that we may have time to evaluate that issue and make any schedule changes to the testing if warranted. Please keep in mind that we may not be able to accommodate your request.
Thank you.