October 10, 2018 FAC/STAFF

HR Training Series: A Guide to Computer & Data Security

A new training program has been added to the HR Training series for 2018! Come join us for Cyber Security Awareness Month 2018: A Guide to Computer & Data Security.

Description: As our University and society become increasingly data dependent, it becomes imperative that we proactively safeguard our information. This session will highlight the data we steward, the reasons we are compelled to protect it, and processes for protecting that data. We will look at methods used by bad actors attempting to purloin our data, discuss password strength, multi-factor authentication, malware protection, file & folder security, encryption, and other methods of safeguarding our information assets.

Jamie Spitznagel
Chetan Kapoor

Date: Tuesday, October 16

Time: 10:30–11:30 a.m.

Location: Jardine Room

Audience: All Employees

To register for this and other HR Training Series programs go to: http://sites.jcu.edu/hr/pages/all-employees/training/hr-training-series/