October 30, 2018 STU

Want some free stuff? Grasselli Library needs your opinion!

If you want free stuff and want to voice your opinions on a library remodel, then here’s your chance! We are conducting focus group interviews for Grasselli Library to get your opinion on what you want to see in our library in the future. That’s right, Grasselli wants your help in their remodel and we are welcoming any and all ideas, in fact we encourage them! If you are interested in assisting with the remodel and want some free stuff, send an email to edrake19@jcu.edu. Our available time slots are listed below!

  • Wednesday, October 31, from 5:00-5:45 p.m. in AD 29
  • Thursday, November 1, from 2-2:45 p.m. in AD 258
  • Monday, November 5, from 2-2:45 p.m. in D E241
  • Wednesday, November 7, from 2-2:45 in AD 47
  • Thursday, November 8, from 3-3:45 p.m. in D E241

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