January 14, 2019 FAC/STAFF

Wellness that Works Starts January 15!

Session starts Tuesday, January 15!
LSC Room 206 (above the bookstore)
Optional weigh-ins: 11:45 a.m.-noon
Meeting: Noon-12:30 p.m. (feel free to bring your lunch)

WW—Wellness that Works—can provide the information, motivation, and support to help you be your best self in 2019. Weekly group meetings with a Wellness Coach help you set goals, keep you on track to reach those goals, and receive support from your colleagues with similar goals. Formerly the Weight Watchers at Work program, WW has rebranded to focus on overall health and wellness. The focus is three-fold: what you put into your body, how you move your body, and how your mind supports your efforts.

Obviously, weight management is still an important factor. If your goal is to lose or maintain your weight, weekly optional weigh-ins track your success. The WW Freestyle program has again been ranked the No. 1 best diet for weight loss by U.S. News and World Report. Your JCU co-workers lost over 500 pounds in 2018!

With WW, you will get access to Aaptiv, a leading app in audio fitness instruction. Aaptiv is like having your own personal trainer to guide you through workouts, featuring three levels of intensity!

You will also get access to Headspace, the top ranked meditation and mindfulness app. A healthy mindset is essential for a healthy lifestyle: Get better sleep, improved focus, more energy.

The next 12-week session of WW at JCU begins on January 15 and meets each Tuesday. Optional weigh-ins are from 11:45 a.m.-noon, followed by a 30-minute workshop/discussion. The cost of the program is normally $156, but as long as we have 15 or more people sign up for the program that day, we all receive a 15% discount=$132.60. You can pay by credit, check, or payroll deduction. Additionally, those with Medical Mutual insurance through JCU will receive a $50 kickback by attending at least 10 meetings in the session!
Questions? Please contact Brenda Bailey, bbailey@jcu.edu.

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