October 3, 2019
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This workshop will provide you with an opportunity to hear and learn from local foundation representatives and nonprofit administration professionals. Please attend the workshop to learn more about the do’s and don’ts of writing and submitting a grant proposal.
The workshop will be held on Tuesday October 29th in the O’Dea Conference Room of the Lombardo Student Center. Lunch will be provided beginning at 11:30 am. The presentation will begin at Noon and will be followed by a Question and Answer session at 12:45 pm. This special “Meet the Funders” workshop is co-hosted by the Office of Sponsored Research and University Advancement.
If you are interested in participating, please RSVP to Erica Kennedy, Director of Sponsored Research, at ekennedy@jcu.edu (X 4520) or Pam George-Merrill, Director of Foundation Relations, at pgeorgemerrill@jcu.edu (X 1908).