April 3, 2020 FAC/STAFF

“Zoom Bombing” Disruptions & How To Secure Your Video Conferencing Session

As universities and institutions worldwide ramp up usage of videoconferencing applications in a shift to remote work and learning, new cybersecurity threats have emerged. One such trend is “Zoom Bombing” wherein an individual typically uses a random number tool to guess valid Zoom meeting web addresses (or finds one shared publicly online), and then joins those sessions uninvited to cause disruption.

JCU’s default meeting setup for Zoom already includes the following settings to prevent most disruptions:

“Join Before Host” is disabled – No one can join the session before the host is there.
“File Transfer” is disabled – Malicious files cannot be distributed (we recommend using Google Drive to share files).
“Co-Host” is enabled – You can assign others to help moderate Zoom sessions.
“Allow Removed Participants to Re-join” is disabled – Individuals who have been kicked out of the session cannot slip back in.
“All Participants can Screen Share” is disabled – By default only host allow to share their screen or content during meetings

Please click on Best Practices for Securing Your Virtual Classrooms to make sure your Zoom session is secure. https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/03/27/best-practices-for-securing-your-virtual-classroom/

More instructions and guides are available on our Zoom page: https://jcu.edu/its/services/email-and-collaboration/zoom

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