April 13, 2020 FAC/STAFF

ITS Training Schedule

Our training sessions are focused on providing JCU staff and faculty with the skills and knowledge to better serve our students, conduct business in the community, and improve IT knowledge. Visit our website for more information: jcu.edu/its/training

Sessions offered next week:
* Introduction to Canvas (ZOOM Session)
* Canvas Quizzes (ZOOM Session)
* LearnIT: Creating Lecture Videos using Canvas Studio (ZOOM Session)
* Using Gradebook Effectively (ZOOM Session)
* LockDown Browser & Respondus Monitor Webinar

Open Zoom Hours
Got questions about Canvas, Google, Qualtrics, Banner or any other tool? A technologist will be available for short, individual zoom-in consultations. We can provide on-the-spot answers, advice or referrals to other resources and trainings.
Click on the link to sign up for the 30 minutes slot. jcu.edu/its/training

For all other inquiries regarding IT workshops, please email training@jcu.edu or call 216-397-1719.