As a reminder and consistent with the State of Ohio’s public health orders, all employees who are performing work on campus are required to wear a face covering and perform a daily symptom assessment. These requirements apply to all contractors and visitors on campus, as well. Please refer to the information below and the Interim COVID-19 Policy ( for details on these requirements:
Face Coverings
As a reminder, in light of the State of Ohio public health directive on face coverings, the University is requiring all employees who are performing work on campus to follow the State of Ohio requirement of wearing a cloth face covering to cover their nose and mouth. This is a public health measure to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in addition to (not instead of) social distancing, frequent hand cleaning, disinfection of work areas and common spaces, and other everyday preventive actions. A face covering must be worn at all times inside any building except when the employee is working alone in an assigned work area. Employees are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering when outside a building as well, and in particular whenever employees will interact with other members of our community and the general public. As members of the JCU community please support each other to create a safer campus by reminding faculty, staff, students and guests to wear masks according to this guidance. Supervisors or employees should contact Human Resources to discuss and create a written accomodation plan if wearing a face covering is not possible due to health issues or other functional work reasons. An employee may provide their own face covering, but if an employee needs a face covering/mask to wear at work, masks can be picked up from the mailroom on Tuesday (9:30 – 11:30 a.m.) and Thursday (1:30 – 3:30 p.m.).
Daily Symptom Assessment
Consistent with the State of Ohio’s public health orders, all employees who are performing work on campus are required to conduct a daily symptom assessment for symptoms of COVID-19. This includes the requirement that all employees take their temperature before coming to campus each day to monitor if they are becoming ill. If you have a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, you may not come to campus for any reason and should notify your supervisor. Please contact HR if you have a concern about your ability to take your temperature at home.
In addition to the temperature check, all employees who are working on campus must conduct a daily assessment for symptoms of COVID-19, including 1) fever, cough, or shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, or 2) at least two of these symptoms: fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell. Employees must be able to certify that they have conducted the symptom assessment and are not exhibiting these symptoms. Employees also will be asked to certify that they have not had close contact with someone who has tested positive or is diagnosed with COVID-19, or not been asked to self-quarantine by a health care provider or public health official in the last 14 days. Along with any certification that employees may be asked to provide related to their daily symptom assessment, your presence at work on campus is your confirmation to us that you have done a daily symptom assessment and determined that you are not exhibiting any of the above symptoms.