January 31, 2021 ALL

Today: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships

Applications are now being accepted for Colleran-Weaver Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF). These fellowships are open to rising junior and senior undergraduate students (and occasionally other students under special circumstances) from all disciplines.

SURF students work with faculty mentors in the College of Arts & Sciences on research and creative projects and participate in group activities. Students are required to present their research at Celebration of Scholarship. The fellowships are a full-time, 10-week commitment.

The application deadline is Friday, February 5, 2021.

Guidelines: https://jcu.edu/academics/colleges-departments/college-arts-and-sciences/undergraduate/experiential-learning/research

Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfckkLQPUZTPEcu2rqPXLOBR9hhilT3XGALGGgjWDWI3L7zlQ/viewform

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