February 11, 2021 STU

Tour Guide Applications Available!

Do you love JCU? Do you want to show that passion to Blue Streak hopefuls? Apply to be a tour guide in the Office of Admission!

Tour guides are campus leaders, representatives, and ambassadors who are some of JCU’s most articulate, courteous, and involved students. Our tour guides create a positive first impression of the university, and of the student body, for our prospective students and families.

Read about the qualifications, responsibilities, and expectations of the position and fill out the online application found here: Tour Guide Application https://johncarrolluniversity.wufoo.com/forms/rg07wyy1jjjq6t/

Applications are due by Wednesday, March 3 at 11:30pm EST.

Questions: email Nikki Galmarini, Tour Guide Supervisor at ngalmarini@jcu.edu