February 18, 2021 FAC/STAFF

Writing Across Carroll Workshop: Transfer of Writing-Related Knowledge

Please join us for the first Writing Across Carroll workshop of the spring semester:

Haven’t They Already Learned This? Transfer of Writing-Related Knowledge
Thursday, February 18, 12:30-1:30 pm
Zoom link: https://johncarrolluniversity.zoom.us/j/95167066009

This workshop will explore the role of transferring writing skills from FYC (EN 125) to other writing contexts at the university. We will discuss what students learn in EN 125 and how we as teachers can tap into that knowledge to help students repurpose those skills for writing across the curriculum. Please send along some writing ideas you have developed which you think fit well with the goals of the workshop to tpace@jcu.edu by February 12. This will be a peer-to-peer workshop, with a focus on sharing ideas and challenges.

Add this event to your calendar: https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=MnViMjZiMWtuNjE5OHRpdDVjNGZnZmFib28gamN1LmVkdV9pOW1uZTVhN2U4MGNrN3F0aWFkZDRwM2Q2NEBn&tmsrc=jcu.edu_i9mne5a7e80ck7qtiadd4p3d64%40group.calendar.google.com