Over the past several years, JCU has worked to ensure its website and publicly facing webpages are accessible to everyone, including those individuals with visual impairments or other disabilities. The University’s Web Accessibility Task Force reviews JCU’s web accessibility compliance and recommends actions to help address any issues.
As part of ongoing efforts to ensure web accessibility for all, the Task Force requests department personnel who have webpage oversight to take a moment to review your department’s webpage for any potential accessibility issues.
Information about web accessibility can be found on the Task Force’s webpage (https://jcu.edu/web-accessibility), which contains a checklist of items to review to make documents and websites accessible. In addition, you can test your webpages for accessibility by using the free WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool (https://wave.webaim.org).
Should you have specific questions about your department’s website in regard to accessibility compliance, please reach out to the Web Accessibility Task Force.