April 19, 2021 STU
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Today: Register Now | JCU GUTS!

Registration is still open for JCU GUTS! To sign up your 4-person team, visit www.imleagues.com/jcu by Tuesday, April 20, at midnight! GUTS takes place on Friday night, April 23, in-person at the RecPlex. If you would like to learn more, please email recreation@jcu.edu or visit our Instagram page (@jcurecreation)!

Inspired by the old Nickeodeon TV show, JCU GUTS consists of a variety of mental and physical challenges in which each team participates. Each team will go through the different events tallying up points as the night goes on. The teams with the most points at the end of the night will move on to a semi-final round and the top four teams will go onto the final round in the quest for the aggrocrag, a championship t-shirt, and other exciting prizes! University and department COVID-19 policies and procedures will be in place to ensure a safe environment.

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