June 11, 2021 FAC/STAFF

JCUFIT & Office of Mission & Identity

Join JCUFIT and Father Pipp for another spiritual fitness event as he leads a lunchtime reflection focusing on the examen prayer of St Ignatius of Loyola – a form of reflection adaptable for people of all faiths and backgrounds. Please join us for an hour of peace and quiet in the midst of the busy-ness of your day. This event will qualify for one hour of Mission Leave. If you are a member of JCUFIT, you will also earn 30 portal points.
Where: St. Francis Chapel
When: Thursday, June 17th
Time: Noon – 1pm
Signup Link: https://melmossjcu.wufoo.com/forms/siej9n803mptd2/

Note about accessibility: if you are unable to join us, please contact Melanie Moss at mmoss@jcu.edu and you will be provided with an instruction sheet for experiencing the examen prayer.