October 12, 2021 STU

Get Healthy Relationships Certified

The Health and Wellness Office offers a Health Relationships Topics (HRT) certification through attending 5 different programs before you graduate. We are offering 2 programs this month to get you closer to your certification.

Let’s Stay Friends…or Not: How to Break Up on 10/20 at 7 p.m. in the Murphy Conference Room

– Sometimes relationships last forever, and sometimes there comes a time for people to part. This program goes over how to handle break-ups while respecting everyone involved.

#Relationshipsgoals on 10/27 in the Murphy Conference Room

– When do we know when we are ready for a relationship? When is it even defined as a relationship? In this program we tackle questions we often as like “What are we?” and talk about getting over the fear of talk about what you want out of a relationship, so you can have the relationship of your dreams.

If you’re interested in these programs, or want to get notified of other HRT programs, fill out this link below.

Email wellness@jcu.edu with any questions