October 12, 2021 STU

Sign up for a Tier 1 leadership program today!

This message serves as an invitation to participate in the upcoming Tier 1 Leadership Formation program. These programs are fun and casual, allowing you to meet other John Carroll students while learning some important leadership concepts. Students who complete one of these entry-level leadership programs are then eligible to participate in more advanced programs in future semesters.

The program meets for 50 minutes each week, for six total meetings beginning the week of October 25.

Click on this link to fill out the online registration form by MIDNIGHT ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13: https://forms.gle/EN1vjuY97yJjnsaM7

**ALL students who sign up for this program will also need to attend the MANDATORY Leadership Kick-off event on Tuesday, October 19 from 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. in the Dolan Science Center, room 202/203 (above the auditorium).

***Please note that if you are a sophomore and have already completed the Tier 1 Living and Leading program, you are not eligible to register for the program again.

Questions? Contact kodell@jcu.edu