October 12, 2021 STU

Today: Commit to Post-Grad Service and Earn Your Masters

Interested in service after graduation? Interested in obtaining a Masters of Education at the same time?

Taylor Kelly from the University of Notre Dame’s ACE (Alliance for Catholic Education) will be holding an information lunch on Tuesday, October 19 from 12:00-1:00pm. This event will be held in the Murphy Room. If you are interested in attending, RSVPs for this free lunch are required. Please RSVP here by Thursday, October 14, 2021: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10B3nlSsuMmwLFa0ycCOAqULA6FZHIC9mNWHvCRKzbFk/edit

This event is being sponsored by the Institute of Catholic Studies, Department of Theology and Religious Studies and the University of Notre Dame ACE Program.

Questions? Please contact Kellie Schwabl of Institute of Catholic Studies and The Department of Theology and Religious Studies at kschwabl@jcu.edu.