October 18, 2021 FAC/STAFF

Writing Across Carroll Workshop | The Role of Rhetoric in Assignment Design

“Ethos and Logos and Pathos. Oh, my!” The Role of Rhetoric in Assignment Design
Monday October 25, 12:00-1:00 pm
The second Writing Across Carroll workshop of the semester will explore the benefits of how asking students to be aware of the assignment’s rhetorical situation can help students produce the kind of writing we want in our classes. We will discuss how awareness of audience and purpose can build on what students experience in EN 125 and how it can lead to a stronger awareness of how writing works in your discipline.

This is a peer-to-peer sharing workshop, with a focus on sharing ideas and challenges. Send along writing ideas you have developed which you think fit well with the goals of the workshop to Tom Pace (tpace@jcu.edu) by October 21.

This workshop will be in-person in Dolan 202/203, but you can use this Zoom link if you wish to log in remotely: https://johncarrolluniversity.zoom.us/j/98536285394
Meeting ID: 985 3628 5394

Free lunch is provided. Please RSVP no later than October 20 to ensure lunches for all. Please RSVP at this link: https://forms.gle/dremr4sJaMmh4xT3A