November 15, 2021 ALL

Transcript Receipt Deadline for Transfer Credit

Transcript Receipt Deadline for Transfer Credit

If you have taken summer coursework at another institution, or if you are a new student who took college coursework prior to matriculation, don’t forget to order your official transcript to be sent directly to the Registrar’s Office at JCU for processing.
JCU must receive your official transcript DIRECTLY from your other institution(s); we cannot accept a hand delivered or a transcript addressed to you as official.

The DEADLINE for your official transcript to be received by the Registrar’s Office is the last Friday of the semester after completion of a transfer course (e.g., if a summer course, the last Friday of the fall semester. If a fall course, the last Friday of the following spring semester.) Credit will *NOT* be awarded from transcripts received after the deadline has passed.

Timely receipt of transcripts helps to avoid the duplication or loss of transfer credit, and eliminates potential registration issues if you are transferring in a prerequisite course. Students should request their transcripts be sent at least one month in advance of the deadline to ensure transcripts are received prior to the deadline.

Official paper transcripts can be mailed to:
John Carroll University
Registrar’s Office
1 John Carroll Blvd.
University Heights, OH 44118
Secure electronic transcripts (sent via Parchment, Credentials, National Student Clearinghouse, etc.) can be emailed to:

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