November 19, 2021 STU

Run for Women in Business Executive Board!

Women in Business is excited to announce our upcoming elections for the WiB Executive Board. Any current WiB member is eligible to serve on the Executive Board except for students graduating in the Spring or Summer of 2022. The Executive Board term runs from January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023, and elections are held each November.

If you are interested in running, please fill out this Google Form ( before Saturday, November 20th at 11:59 p.m. You can run for as many positions as you’d like.

Once all candidates are determined, voting will open on Sunday, November 21st. We will be voting through a Google Form, which will contain a statement from each candidate explaining why they feel they are a good fit for the position. This form will close on Wednesday, December 1st at 11:59 p.m. The Executive Board will be announced shortly after.

If you have any general questions about the election process, please reach out to WiB President, Lilly Hanko, at Good luck!