January 18, 2022 ALL

Alumni Spotlight – Making Meaningful Connections featuring Andrea McGinty’84

Thursday, January 20, 2022 – 7:30 p.m.
Hosted on the Zoom Platform

The JCU Alumni Spotlight series focuses on alumni who have compelling personal and professional stories. Andrea McGinty ’84 certainly fits that profile. Best known for being the founder and CEO of It’s Just Lunch, McGinty has started two other high profile organizations. Join us as we learn from her about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, how to make meaningful connections in our ever changing world, and how JCU shaped her personal and professional life.

Hosted by the JCU WMN (Women’s Mentoring & Networking) affinity group, JCU Alumni Association, the Office of Alumni Relations. All are welcome to join this program.

Register at https://advancement.jcu.edu/register/spotlight-mcginty84

For questions, contact Eric Eickhoff at eeickhoff@jcu.edu.

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