February 23, 2022 ALL

Mental Illness and Friends! A Live Comedy Talk Show

Mental Illness and Friends, created and hosted by Deena Nyer Mendlowitz, is a live comedy talk-show combining stand-up, improv, and open, honest dialogue with other artists dealing with mental health issues. Nyer Mendlowitz, who lives with anxiety and suicidal ideation, begins each performance with a new opening monologue, seamlessly weaving mental illness, real life, and laughter together. The hour-long show closes with an improv set based on topics discussed that evening. The results are hilarious, honest, enlightening, empowering, inspiring and leave both the performers and audience feeling a little more connected and understood.
The show is on March 15th and  begins at 8:00 p.m. (7:30 check-in) in Dolan Auditorium.
Register with this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1OFl6isvGd7D88R5hXzoEErRT8brMMiS4YY36guG7LDQ/prefill