March 24, 2022 STU

Carroll Review Deadline Extended! Submit Now!!

We have extended our deadline, and are continuing to accept submissions to the Carroll Review! We are taking artwork, poetry, short fiction, prose/personal essays, and photography.
The Submission deadline is now March 29, 2022 at midnight.
Send them as a Word Document to
You can submit multiple forms of art, but please limit it to the following:

Please have all submissions in one Word document. Each new piece should start on its own page. Every piece should have a title. The name of the document should be “Carroll Review Submission – your first and last name.” Within the body of the email, please include a 3 sentence “about the author” statement in 3rd person.

Max of 5 each. If it is photography, also include the location the photo was taken at.
You can also submit them as PDF’s following your Word document if you’d like a higher res version to be used.

Max of 5 pages. Format them how you would like each piece printed.

Short Stories/Prose/Personal Essays
Max of 1 short story. Story should be no longer than 3 pages.
Max of 1 any prose piece. Any personal essays/prose/etc. has a rough max of 900 words.

Send questions to email Dr. Bilgere at
or Chief Editor Domenic Cregan at

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