March 28, 2022 STU

Today: Carroll Review Deadline Extended! Submit Now!

We have extended our deadline, and are continuing to accept submissions to the Carroll Review! We are taking artwork, poetry, short fiction, prose/personal essays, and photography.
The Submission deadline is now March 29, 2022 at midnight.
Send them as a Word Document to
You can submit multiple forms of art, but please limit it to the following:

Please have all submissions in one Word document. Each new piece should start on its own page. Every piece should have a title. The name of the document should be “Carroll Review Submission – your first and last name.” Within the body of the email, please include a 3 sentence “about the author” statement in 3rd person.

Max of 5 each. If it is photography, also include the location the photo was taken at.
You can also submit them as PDF’s following your Word document if you’d like a higher res version to be used.

Max of 5 pages. Format them how you would like each piece printed.

Short Stories/Prose/Personal Essays
Max of 1 short story. Story should be no longer than 3 pages.
Max of 1 any prose piece. Any personal essays/prose/etc. has a rough max of 900 words.

Send questions to email Dr. Bilgere at
or Chief Editor Domenic Cregan at