April 7, 2022 FAC/STAFF

Today: JCU FIT Healthy Cooking Demonstration

Please join JCU FIT and Parkhurst executive chef Craig Stevens for a healthy cooking demonstration. Attendees will get to experience firsthand how easy and fun healthy cooking can be, and will also have the opportunity to sample Chef Craig’s delicious and healthful grain bowl creation!

DATE: Friday, April 8
TIME: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

To register, please click the following link: https://melmossjcu.wufoo.com/forms/kf66c9p02s4znf/

Please register by Tuesday, April 5. We hope to see you there!

For more information, please visit the JCU FIT website at https://jcu.edu/hr/benefits-wellness/jcu-fit-wellness-program