September 2, 2022 FAC/STAFF

Institutional Effectiveness Newsletters

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness generates a number of email newsletters. I wanted to provide some information about them and allow you to subscribe if you want.

Quick Insights from IE: Most Tuesdays, I send out a data visualization showing how things at JCU fit into the larger trends in higher education.

Portents of Future Enrollment: Every Wednesday while students are registering for their next semester, I send out links to a suite of dashboards showing how many students are registered for courses and how many students have withdrawn (and the reasons they give for withdrawing).

Data Access Training Tidbits: My office maintains a number of dashboards on our (Tableau) Analytics server and controls access to Academic Performance Solution, an EAB dashboard. On Mondays during the fall and spring semesters, I send out the smallest possible unit of training (with text, screen shots, screen-capture video) to help you understand how to access, use, and understand these data resources.

Assessment Update: Assessment of student learning is an important way to ensure continuous improvement on campus and an expectation of our accreditors. On alternate Fridays during the fall and spring semesters, I provide a bite-sized bit of training on assessment plus share tips, resources, and success and disaster stories from across campus. (The other Fridays are a special newsletter just for department and program assessment coordinators.)

Accreditation Update: Once a month during the fall and spring semesters, I send a message designed to help educate campus about the accreditation process, so you can all know what the Higher Learning Commission will expect from us when they return in 2024-205

If you do not currently receive a newsletter and would like to, please register here:

Direct questions to Todd Bruce, x1600,