September 6, 2022 ALL

Important Change to RecPlex Access | Digital ID App

Beginning TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, all students and faculty/staff are required to download and use the “Digital ID” app on their phones to access JCU Recreation facilities. This is the same app used for check-in at events on campus that use Carroll Connect. This process will be in place until we fully implement a new card swiping software later this semester. If you have any questions or need assistance, please email Thank you!

***We highly encourage you to still bring your Carroll Card, and they are still required for equipment checkout and to play intramural sports.***

1. Download the app (“DigitalID”) from the App Store (iOS and Android)
2. Once downloaded, click on the “DigitalID” app icon to open the app
3. Enter your JCU email address
4. Check your JCU email to retrieve a verification pin, and enter it into the designated space.
5. Once your pin is entered, a personalized QR coed with your digital ID will appear. This is what you use to enter the RecPlex.

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